PRIVACY The protection of your personal data is particularly important to us. We process yours Data is therefore exclusively based on the legal provisions (DSGVO, TKG 2003). In this data protection information we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing on our website. SCOPE This data protection declaration is intended to inform the users of this website in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act and Telemedia Act on the type, scope and purpose of the collection and Inform the website operator about the use of personal data. The website operator takes your privacy very seriously and treats yours personal data confidentially and in accordance with legal regulations. Keep in mind that data transmission on the Internet is always subject to security gaps can be considered. There is no complete protection against access by third parties feasible.

RESPONSIBILITY FOR DATA PROCESSING Webgraster web design Mag. Nicole Bach Schlossparkstrasse 14 2483 Ebreichsdorf For more information please contact us.

ACCESS DATA The website operator or site provider collects data about access to the site and saves them as „server log files“. The following data is logged in this way: • Website visited • Time of access • Amount of data sent in bytes • Source/reference from which you came to the page • Browser used • Operating system used • IP address used The data is used exclusively for statistical purposes. A disclosure to third parties does not occur. This website does not use any technology aimed at Evaluate access behavior of individual users. Personal usage profiles not created.

LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES Our website contains links to content from other providers. These are through the Indication of explicit links (e.g., based on corresponding information in the Text or identification with the symbol recognizable. In addition, external Links open in a separate browser window. The use of this third-party content may be subject to other requirements than those presented here.

HANDLING OF PERSONAL DATA The website operator collects, uses and passes on your personal data only if if this is permitted by law or if you consent to the collection of data. as Personal data includes all information that is used to identify your person determine and which can be traced back to you – for example yours Name, your email address and phone number.

HANDLING OF CONTACT DETAILS Contact the website operator through the contact options offered connection, your details will be saved so that they can be processed and processed answering your request can be used. without your consent this data is not passed on to third parties.

COLLECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN ONLINE FORMS Insofar as we ask you to provide personal data as part of this offer (e.g. name, address or e-mail address), we tell you in the respective online form, for what purpose we collect it and how we process it. It is subject to your free Deciding whether to provide this information.

 PERFORMANCE OF PAID SERVICES If you use the paid services offered on our website want to use, we have to for billing purposes and for security reasons may collect additional information from you. Regularly it’s about your name, a valid e-mail address and, if applicable, your address and telephone number as well as further information depending on the individual case. It can also be about content that allow us to verify the information provided, such as your ownership regarding the specified e-mail address. We have to for legal reasons ensure that you actually want to receive the services offered, and we properly invoice you for the service.

As part of the statutory imprint obligation, we have to use our contact details
publish. These are sometimes not sent by third parties
desired advertising and information. We hereby object to any of
sending us advertising material of any kind that we have not expressly authorized. We reserve the right
We also expressly take legal action against the unwanted and unsolicited
sending of advertising material. This applies in particular to so-called spam e-mails,
Spam letters and spam faxes. We point out that the unauthorized transmission
of promotional material both unfair competition, civil and criminal
can affect facts. Especially spam e-mails and spam faxes can be too high
Claims for damages result when they overrun the business operations
mailboxes or fax machines.
The offer on our website may also include content, services and
Services from other providers that complement our offer. examples of such
Offers are maps from Google Maps, YouTube videos or graphics from third parties.
Calling up these services from third parties regularly requires the transmission of your IP
Address. This makes it possible for these providers to perceive your user IP address and
to save them too. We try very hard to include only those third parties who
Use IP addresses solely to deliver the content. However, we don’t have one
Influencing which third-party provider may store the IP address. This
Storage can, for example, serve statistical purposes. Should we from
We instruct our users to become aware of storage processes by third parties
immediately to this fact. In this context, please also note the
specific data protection declarations for individual third-party providers and service providers, their
Service we use on our website. You can also find them in this one
Data protection.
We currently do not offer a newsletter.
In certain cases, so-called temporary cookies are used. These contain
no personal data and will be closed after the session has expired
automatically deleted from your web browser.
In the case of a link, third-party cookies can be used without
we can expressly point this out to you. Common browsers allow the
processing of such cookies so that you can prevent the storage of these cookies
deactivate or set the type of processing by your browser.
On the „Contact“ page we offer a Google Maps plan to visualize our office
location. „Google Maps“ is a service provided by the third-party provider Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre
Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.
By using Google Maps, information is sent to Google in the USA
transferred, including but not limited to
– the time of your visit to our website,
-Your IP address.
Terms of use:
Privacy Policy:
Opt-out option:
This page uses so-called web fonts to display the font. These are from
Provided by Google ( This invites when calling our
Page your browser the required web font in your browser cache. This is necessary with it
your browser can also display a visually improved representation of our texts. If you
Browser does not support this function, a standard font is used by your computer
ad used.
You can find more information about Google Webfonts at

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